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A Way Across The Universe

Just A Word Away

Heike Henke from Melle, Germany

Susanne Lanvermeyer from Melle, Germany

We (Susanne Lanvermeyer 9th October 1964 and Heike Henke 29th February 1968) have known each other for nearly 3 years. Every Monday we make music together, play music from all type and sing a little bit. After beeing involved in the last two tribute projects, we decided to take part in this project too.

We chose this song, because we liked the nice picking and we got goosebumps while listening to it. It reminds us of a song from Reinhard Mey, who wrote a similar song called "Das Apfelbäumchen" ("The appletree"). Heart touching!

We recorded this song perfectly the first time. Happy, happy! But after "technical" problems (women!) we lost this song. After that, the recording took a long time. At the end we had two versions of it and ... the result is here.