At The War Memorial

Standing at the war memorial, children holding hands,
People getting ready there are waiting forthe bands.
And old men with their memories of comrades gone away.
Yes it's great to be in Ireland upon Remembrance day.

When the wild wind came with out a word -
Just a sudden flash of light,
many there was taking husbands, children, wives.
And a young girl in the ruin felt her father's touch,
and her dying words was "daddy" I love you very much.

And her words did more to make us one,
than a hundred years of the bomb and the gun.
Let the so-called patriots see what they have done.
Let them wake up in the morning to another day of pain,
let them feel the endless heartache that never goes away.
And let them hear the million voices
that said it on that day "I am ashamed to be Irish on Remembrance Day."

Standing at the war memorial, children hand in hand,
another year is over - perhaps we understand,
that words of love are stronger then the words of hate.
Let us not forget what happened on Remembrance Day.
(What ever you believe in, what ever flag you wave)
let us not forget what happened on Remembrance Day